Telephone directory (PDF-Download)
Our team for the Heide region
Dirk Burmeister - CEO and business development
CEO and business development
Phone: +49 481 123 703-11
Mobil: + 49 178 535 96 22
E-Mail: dirk.burmeisterregion-heidede
Jannick Schwender - Deputy CEO, Regional management and Public relations
Deputy CEO, Regional management and Public relations
Phone: +49 481 123 703-12
Mobil: +49 159 06 51 15 32
E-Mail: jannick.schwenderregion-heidede
Martin Eckhard - Head of Funding Management
Head of Funding Management
Phone: +49 481 123 703-13
Mobil: +49 178 535 96 28
E-Mail: martin.eckhardregion-heidede
For the area of subsidy management and counselling in cooperation with the Entwicklungsagentur für den Lebens- und Wirtschaftsraum Rendsburg
Esther Beeg - Funding Management
Funding Management
Phone: +49 481 123 703-19
E-Mail: esther.beegregion-heidede
Julia Kröger - Head of Central Services and Finance
Head of Central Services and Finance
Telefon: +49 481 123 703-10
E-Mail: julia.kroegerregion-heidede
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Sandra Struckmann - Business Development, West Coast Business Park and Central Services and Finance
Business Development, West Coast Business Park and Central Services and Finance
Phone: +49 481 123 703-16
E-Mail: sandra.struckmannregion-heidede
Leif Ampting - Central Services and Finance
Central Services and Finance
Phone: +49 481 123 703-14
E-Mail: leif.amptingregion-heidede
Oliver Thomsen - Central Services and Finance
Central Services and Finance
Phone: +49 481 123 703-41
E-Mail: oliver.thomsenregion-heidede
Jonas Wilkens - Regional and Land Management / Geodata Service
Regional and Land Management / Geodata Service
Phone: +49 481 123 703-15
Kay Teckenburg - Land and Infrastructure Development
Land and Infrastructure Development
Phone: +49 481 123 703-27
E-Mail: kay.teckenburgregion-heidede
Marcel Meuter - Project Management and Controlling
Project Management and Controlling
Phone: +49 481 123 703-28
E-Mail: marcel.meuterregion-heidede
ENTREE100 Project team
Martin Struve - QUARREE100 Project Management
QUARREE100 Project Management
Phone: +49 481 123 703-17
Mobil: +49 159 01 89 33 06
E-Mail: martin.struveregion-heidede
Jana Rasch - QUARREE100 Technical Coordination WESTKÜSTE100 Regional Infrastructure
QUARREE100 Technical Coordination
WESTKÜSTE100 Regional Infrastructure
Phone: +49 (0) 481 123 703-18
Mobil: +49 (0) 159 01 89 16 09
E-Mail: jana.raschregion-heidede
Kay Haalck - HyPLANT100 Project Management
HyPLANT100 Project Management
Phone: +49 481 123 703-30
Mobil: +49 0159 062 137 01
E-Mail: kay.haalckregion-heidede