Clean Energy Valley Schleswig-Holstein
The Kiel Economic Development Agency, the Neumünster Business Agency, the Development Agency Region Heide, the Development Agency for the Rendsburg Living and Economic Area and the Rendsburg-Eckernförde District Economic Development Agency – five economic development organisations from Schleswig-Holstein have joined forces to form the Clean Energy Valley Schleswig-Holstein in order to promote innovative economic development in the true north.
The economic policy challenges posed by social, demographic, global, climatic and digital change are becoming increasingly complex and are challenging regions, companies, universities and business development organisations in their strategic orientation. In order to develop Schleswig-Holstein into a sustainable business location, it is becoming increasingly important to deal with the issues of the future together and to organise them in larger regional alliances.
In the future, the location factor of energy in conjunction with the economy will play THE central role for Schleswig-Holstein for existing companies and new settlements, particularly in the area of sustainable production and the digital economy. Schleswig-Holstein is already considered a pioneer in the energy transition and renewable energies. Hydrogen is a key energy source here. It gives us the opportunity to utilise our green energy in all sectors. The production, further processing and utilisation of hydrogen along the value chain promises not only ecological benefits, but also economic added value. These are key factors for the development of a sustainable and future-orientated growth dynamic in Schleswig-Holstein.
Regional Development Axis
As a west-east axis, Clean Energy Valley Schleswig-Holstein forms a European region of the future in the True North with outstanding infrastructure for a sustainable energy, innovation and industrial future. This regional axis outlines the strengths of the regions around the four locations Heide-Neumünster-Rendsburg-Kiel, which will complement and further strengthen each other in the future within the framework of regional cooperation.
The aim of Clean Energy Valley Schleswig-Holstein is to develop the regional west-east axis into a sustainable inter-municipal business location. The aim is to combine the locational advantages of the respective locations and to realise them in a national and European context in terms of sustainable economic value creation and the future. In this way, the regional axis can position itself in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany and Europe as one of the most attractive and dynamic industrial locations of the future and a pioneer of an applied integrated energy transition region in the True North.
The five economic development agencies are focussing on three goals:
- Attracting innovative companies and sustainable industry: joint development of inter-municipal commercial and industrial sites and critical infrastructure along the axis.
- Actively promote the Clean Energy Valley region and the opportunities for climate-friendly and pioneering development: Combine energy & business as a location factor and present it to the outside world together with future partners.
- Networking partners and industry players and bringing together potential: To secure skilled labour, sustainable growth and innovation for the region in the future.
Clean Energy Valley SH is committed to the goals of the state of Schleswig-Holstein to develop as a sustainable green industrial state.
Contact person
Dirk Burmeister

CEO and business development
Telefon: +49 (0) 481 123703-11
Mobil: + 49 (0) 0178 5359622
E-Mail: dirk.burmeisterregion-heidede

Martin Eckhard
Head of Funding Management
Telefon: +49 (0) 481 123703-13
E-Mail: martin.eckhardregion-heidede